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Have questions feel free to send us below or call us at 919 389 8510. Below are some of out most frequently asked questions. 

How does the hiring process work?

After I speak with you in detail about the specific environment, culture and hiring needs of your business, simply send me the contact information for your candidates and the initial phase happens electronically.  I will analyze the results, review the profile with the candidate and debrief you on my recommendations over the phone and/or in writing.

Why do you use assessments to learn more about candidates?

Adding objective data to the subjectivity of the hiring process is a critical step in increasing the odds of a successful hire. Additionally, from a perspective of ideal management for optimal performance, understanding what makes that candidate “tick”, what inspires, energizes, and motivates that unique individual, as well as the best communication strategy to engage the employee fully has a direct bottom-line result.

How can you help me retain my employees? 

The biggest misconception with management teams, is thinking that everyone is motivated and inspired as they are, and will behave as they do under the same circumstances.  Also, assuming that employees are simply motivated by money for more successful retention.  Although money is certainly a crucial factor, 87% of employees leave jobs because they don’t feel validated.  Addressing that issue, by profiling and managing in alignment with that employee’s thinking patterns, will directly impact the retention rate of your staff.

Can you help me with a current problem employee?

Yes—In addition to hiring, Wacaser and Associates has a proven track record of personal, professional and performance coaching within a business setting. Many times, a “toxic” employee: is simply a very frustrated employee who lacks proper communication skills and tools.  Talking through the issues can turn someone around and serve as a springboard for surprising leadership and success. 

How do you work with my recruiter?

Wacaser and Associates works cooperatively and in alignment with a recruiter.  When a recruiter finds viable candidates, each can be screened and evaluated further utilizing the assessment profile tool, as well as new-hire transition coaching to ensure a smooth on-boarding process and creation of clear expectations and productive work habits.

Can you conduct team building/performance coaching for my entire staff? 

Yes.  Just as the profile assessment helps each individual understand him/herself better, and clarifies strengths and weaknesses, a full team assessment can provide you with a clear picture of the balance of skills, strengths and any gaps that exists among your work teams.  From video conferencing, to in-person workshops to board presentations, Wacaser and Associates can provide you with a crystal clear picture of your team(s) from a number of different perspectives.

How do we get started? 

Simply email me or call me at 919-389-8510 and I can talk through your specific business needs!

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